The staffing rating is based on two measures, RN hours per resident day and total Nurse staffing hours per resident day (RN + LPN + nurse aide), case mix adjusted based on RUG IV groups..
Data source: The source for reported staffing hours is the Payroll-based Journal (PBJ) system. These data are submitted quarterly and are due 45 days after the end of each reporting period. Only data submitted and accepted by the deadline are used by CMS for staffing calculations and the Five-Star Rating System. The resident census is based on a daily resident census measure that is calculated by CMS using MDS assessments.
Report Analysis: The staffing table lists the current staffing five star rating along with the previous month and three month's prior ratings in order for you to see how your ratings have changed over time. Numbered squares in the staffing matrix represent star ratings. Your facility’s current rating (shaded gray) is in the box where the blue line (representing adjusted RN hours) intersects with the red line (representing the adjusted total nurse staff hours). If the intersecting lines are statistically close to the edge of another box, the facility will have the potential of either losing or gaining a star indicated by a red or green shaded box respectively, or remaining the same as indicated by a yellow box. An interpretation of your facility’s rating is displayed below the staffing matrix.