The Quality Measure rating is based on performance of 15 of the QMs currently posted on Nursing Home Compare.
Data Source: MDS 3.0, Traditional Medicare FFS claims data
Report Analysis: The QM 5 Star Rating table displays the current Quality Measure 5-star rating and the previous quarter's rates (QMs are updated quarterly) to enable you to see how your ratings have changed over time. QMs are listed in a table along with the facility rate and points obtained for each based on the QM point values. A graph displays the rate (red vertical bar) within the cut points for that particular QM point value. The bottom cut point is to the left of the graph; the top cut point is to the right for negative measures. The opposite is true for positive measures. If your rate is within or close to the red shaded area, you have a statistically greater potential for losing points. If your rate is within or close to the green shaded area, you have a statistically greater potential for gaining points. The potential for losing or gaining points is explained fully in the interpretation column.