Expanding the World of Possibilities for Aging

Overall Five Star Rating

The heading of the Nursing Home Five Star Analysis contains your most recent overall 5-star rating, the rating from the previous month and the rating three months prior to enable you to see how your ratings have changed from one time period to another.

Based on the five-star rating for the health inspection domain, the staffing domain and the quality measure domain, the overall five-star rating is assigned in five steps as follows:

Step 1: Starts with your health inspection five-star rating.

Step 2: One star is added to the Step 1 result if staffing rating is five stars; one star is subtracted if staffing is one star.  The overall rating cannot be more than five stars or less than one star.

Step 3: One star is added to the Step 2 result if quality measure rating is five stars; one star is subtracted if quality measure rating is one star.  The overall rating cannot be more than five stars or less than one star.

One star health inspection upgrade limit:  If your health inspection rating is one star, then the overall quality rating cannot be upgraded by more than one star based on the staffing and quality measure ratings.

Five Star Rating Scenarios:

This table, located below the quality measure section of the report, enables you to see how your current rating is calculated and in the right hand columns, displays two scenarios that could possibly contribute to a change in your overall 5-star rating.