Expanding the World of Possibilities for Aging


LeadingAge Quality Metrics is a set of interactive data tools that assists nursing homes in analyzing how they measure up to their peers, demonstrate value, and improve performance. Leveraging Nursing Home Compare data, Quality Metrics allows nursing homes to compare themselves against nearby or comparably sized nursing homes.  Quality Metrics is part of the larger LeadingAge intiative, LeadingAge Insights, a collection of tools to help members better understand their own performance and their market position.  Operated as a partnership of LeadingAge and your state association, these tools are available free of charge to LeadingAge provider members.


We gratefully acknowledge the support and guidance of the LeadingAge Data Initiative Partners who helped make Quality Metrics a reality:


LeadingAge Kansas

LeadingAge Michigan

Aging Services of Minnesota

LeadingAge New York

LeadingAge Ohio

LeadingAge Pennsylvania

LeadingAge Wisconsin