5 Star Analysis - Nursing Home

Nursing Home Five Star Analysis

Extract Date: January 1, 2025

Woodland Pond At New Paltz, New Paltz, NY    

Overall 5 Star Rating:
Previous Month:
3 Months Prior:

Follow the sections below to see how your current rating is calculated and 2 scenarios that could possibly change your overall 5 star rating. View Overall 5 Star Trend

Health Inspection 5 Star Rating:
Previous Month:
3 Months Prior:

The health inspection rating is based on the number, scope, and severity of deficiencies identified during the 3 or 2 most recent annual inspection surveys and 36 months of complaint investigations and focused infection control surveys. More than one revisit will have a negative impact on the score for a survey cycle. The total score from each survey cycle is weighted so that the more recent survey cycles have more impact on the overall total score as compared to the older survey cycle. View Health Inspection 5 Star Trend

Inspection Cycle123
Health Survey Date2023-03-032020-02-282018-04-25
Count of Health Deficiencies
          Freedom from Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation000
          Quality of Life and Care000
          Resident Assessment and Care Planning000
          Nursing and Physician Services000
          Resident Rights000
          Nutrition and Dietary011
          Pharmacy Service010
          Infection Control011
     Standard Inspection
          Number of Standard Inspection Health Deficiencies052
          Scope of most Severe Standard Inspection Health DeficiencyManyMany
          Severity of most Severe Standard Inspection Health DeficiencyMinimal harm or potential for actual harmMinimal harm or potential for actual harm
     Complaint Inspection
          Number of Complaint Inspection Health Deficiencies000
          Scope of most Severe Complaint Inspection Health Deficiency
          Severity of most Severe Complaint Inspection Health Deficiency
     Infection Control Inspection
          Number of Infection Control Inspection Health Deficiencies000
          Scope of most Severe Infection Control Inspection Health Deficiency
          Severity of most Severe Infection Control Inspection Health Deficiency
Total Number of Health Deficiencies052
Health Deficiency Score04816
Number of Health Revisits011
Health Revisit Score000
Total Health Score04816
Survey Weighting1/21/31/6
Weighted Total Health Score0163
Total Weighted Health Survey Score 19 View Cut Points
Use Quality Metrics (login required using your MyLeadingAge username and password) and the Nursing Home Trend Report to compare your inspection ratings to your peers.
LeadingAge New York
Staffing 5 Star Rating:
Previous Month: only updated quarterly
3 Months Prior:

View Staffing 5 Star Trend

Staffing Measure Rate Points Cutpoint View Interpretation Bottom Cut Point Top Cut Point
Adjusted Weekend Total Nurse Hours Per Day
View Trend
5.49 50 5.5 4.5 24.0 Full points are currently being attained for this measure, but decreasing this rate by -18.7% or by approximately -1.026 could result in losing 5 points. 4.464 24
Adjusted Total Nurse Hours Per Day
View Trend
6.131 100 6.1 5.1 68.0 Full points are currently being attained for this measure, but decreasing this rate by -17.3% or by approximately -1.061 could result in losing 10 points. 5.07 Or Higher
Adjusted RN Hours Per Day
View Trend
1.246 100 1.2 1.2 24.0 Potential To Lose Points
Full points are currently being attained for this measure, but decreasing this rate by -3.5% or by approximately -0.044 could result in losing 10 points.
1.202 Or Higher
Administrator Turnover Count
View Trend
0 30 0.0 0.0 0.0 Potential To Lose Points
Although full points are currently being attained for this measure, increasing the count by 1 would result in losing 5 points.
0 0
RN Turnover Percentage
View Trend
33.3 40 33.3 28.8 35.7 Increasing the rate for this measure by 7.2% or by approximately 2.414 could result in losing 5 points. 28.752 35.714
Total Nurse Turnover Percentage
View Trend
52.6 25 52.6 49.3 53.4 Increasing the rate for this measure by 1.6% or by approximately 0.825 could result in losing 5 points. 49.255 53.425
Note: The staffing measures and points in this table have been rounded to either one, two, or three decimal places due to space constraints. However, the full value has been used to calculate facility scores and rankings. To view the full staffing cut point tables, click here .
Total Points Unscaled Maximum Available Scaling Factor Re-Scaled
Current 345 380 380 1 345
Gain 345 345
Lose 330 330
Gain and lose 330 330

Staffing Stars

1 2 3 4 5 Current Gain points Lose points Gain and lose points
  • This facility currently has a 5 star staffing rating of 5.
  • The value of 'Adjusted RN Hours Per Day' is close to a cut point and has the potential to result in losing 10 points.
  • The value of 'Administrator Turnover Count' is close to a cut point and has the potential to result in losing 5 points.
  • Although the scores are close to a cut point, there is a possibility that the change in cut point groups could result in the staffing rating remaining constant.

Use Quality Metrics (login required using your MyLeadingAge username and password) and the Nursing Home Trend Report to compare your staffing to your peers.

View Cut Points
Quality Measure 5 Star Rating:
Previous Month: only updated quarterly
3 Months Prior:
Long Stay Quality Measure 5 Star Rating:
Short Stay Quality Measure 5 Star Rating:
View Quality Measure 5 Star Trend
Quality Measure Rate Points Cutpoint View Interpretation Bottom Cut Point Top Cut Point
Higher Rate is Better
Successful community discharge (short-stay)
View Trend
40.16 30 40.2 37.6 42.6 Increasing this QM rate by 6.1% or by approximately 2.45 points could result in gaining 15 points. 37.63 42.61
D/C Function Score
View Trend
79.17 150 79.2 70.7 100 Full points are currently being attained for this QM, but decreasing this rate by 10.6% or by approximately 8.43 points could result in losing 15 points. 70.74 100
Lower Rate is Better
Urinary Tract Infection (long-stay)
View Trend
5.31 20 5.3 4.5 100 Potential To Gain Points
Decreasing this QM rate by 14.7% or by approximately 0.78 points could result in gaining 20 points.
4.53 100
Injurious Falls (long-stay)
View Trend
7.563 20 7.6 5.1 100 Decreasing this QM rate by 31.9% or by approximately 2.413 points could result in gaining 20 points. 5.15 100
Ambulation Decline (long-stay)
View Trend
41.891 15 41.9 39.1 100 Potential To Gain Points
Decreasing this QM rate by 6.8% or by approximately 2.841 points could result in gaining 15 points.
39.05 100
ADL Decline (long-stay)
View Trend
14.925 90 14.9 14.6 17 Potential To Gain Points
Decreasing this QM rate by 1.9% or by approximately 0.285 points could result in gaining 15 points.
14.64 17.02
Number of outpatient emergency department (ED) visits per 1,000 resident days (long-stay)
View Trend
2.069 30 2.1 2 2.6 Decreasing this QM rate by 4.8% or by approximately 0.098 points could result in gaining 15 points. 1.97 2.551
ED Visits (short-stay)
View Trend
13.94 30 13.9 13.4 15.9 Decreasing this QM rate by 3.8% or by approximately 0.53 points could result in gaining 15 points. 13.41 15.92
Catheter (long-stay)
View Trend
2.581 40 2.6 2.2 3.6 Decreasing this QM rate by 15.5% or by approximately 0.401 points could result in gaining 20 points. 2.18 3.56
Hospital readmission (short-stay)
View Trend
20.023 90 20 19.6 20.9 Decreasing this QM rate by 2.2% or by approximately 0.443 points could result in gaining 15 points. 19.58 20.93
Antipsychotic Medications (short-stay)
View Trend
1.205 60 1.2 1 1.7 Decreasing this QM rate by 19.5% or by approximately 0.235 points could result in gaining 20 points. 0.97 1.68
Pressure Ulcers (long-stay)
View Trend
6.763 40 6.8 6 8 Decreasing this QM rate by 11.6% or by approximately 0.783 points could result in gaining 20 points. 5.98 7.97
Number of hospitalizations per 1,000 resident days (long-stay)
View Trend
1.5 75 1.5 1.4 1.6 Decreasing this QM rate by 4.2% or by approximately 0.062 points could result in gaining 15 points. 1.438 1.59
New or Worsening Pressure Ulcers (short-stay)
View Trend
3.4 60 3.4 2.2 4 Increasing this QM rate by 16.2% or by approximately 0.55 points could result in losing 20 points. 2.2 3.95
Antipsychotic Medications (long-stay)
View Trend
9.244 120 9.2 7.5 9.6 Increasing this QM rate by 3.9% or by approximately 0.356 points could result in losing 15 points. 7.5 9.6
Note: The QM rates and points in this table have been rounded to either one, two, or three decimal places due to space constraints. However, the full QM value has been used to calculate facility scores and rankings. To view the full QM cut point tables, click here.
Total Points Overall Long-Stay Short-Stay
Current 1054 450 604
Gain 1104 500 604
Lose 1054 450 604
Gain and lose 1104 500 604


1 2 3 4 5 Current Gain points Lose points Gain and lose points


1 2 3 4 5 Current Gain points Lose points Gain and lose points


1 2 3 4 5 Current Gain points Lose points Gain and lose points

Use Quality Metrics (login required using your MyLeadingAge username and password) and the Nursing Home Trend Report to compare your QMs to your peers or to see how your QMs are trending.

View Cut Points
LeadingAge New York
Overall 5 Star Rating:
Previous Month:
3 Months Prior:
Follow the steps below to see how your current rating is calculated and 2 scenarios could possibly change your overall 5 star rating.
Step Instruction Current Likely to Gain Likely to Lose
1 Start with the health inspection rating. 3 3 3
2 Add one star to the Step 1 result if the staffing rating is five stars; subtract one star if the staffing rating is one star. The overall rating cannot be more than five stars or less than one star. + 1 + 1 + 1
3 Add one star to the Step 2 result if quality measure rating is five stars; subtract one star if quality measure rating is one star. The overall rating cannot be more than five stars or less than one star. + 0 + 0 + 0
Note If the health inspection rating is one star, then the overall quality rating cannot be upgraded by more than one star based on the staffing and quality measure ratings. - 0 - 0 - 0
Final Overall Star Rating 4 4 4
Use Quality Metrics (login required using your MyLeadingAge username and password) and the Nursing Home Trend Report to compare your 5 Star Ratings to your peers.

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